Avoiding the rookie mistakes: IT beginners top 5 errors

In the world of technology, every step as a beginner can be an opportunity to learn and grow. However, mistakes are inevitable on the path to becoming an IT professional. Using real-world examples, I will explore some of the most common mistakes made by novice IT users and provide advice on how to avoid them.


One of the most common mistakes made by many beginner IT users is neglecting documentation. Whether it’s documentation for programming languages, frameworks, libraries, or system settings and configurations, ignoring documentation can lead to confusion and errors.

Example: Alex wants to develop a web application using a new framework. Instead of consulting the documentation, he decides to start writing code immediately. Alex is unaware that the framework has a built-in method for validating user input and preventing SQL injection attacks.

Due to the lack of information from the documentation, he writes his own validation code, which is not as robust and secure as the integrated method. This exposes the application to vulnerabilities and may allow attackers to exploit potential weaknesses.

Recommendation: Learn to use documentation as an essential reference guide. Documentation provides detailed information about the functionalities and correct usage of different technologies. So, use them as a primary resource in your learning process.


Security is an important aspect of IT, but many beginners may ignore or underestimate the importance of this aspect. Neglecting security can lead to vulnerabilities in your applications and systems, allowing attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Example: Maria has created a web application that requires authentication. She uses a simple method to store user passwords in the database, which doesn’t use hashing or other secure encryption methods.

An attacker discovers this vulnerability and manages to gain unauthorized access to the database, compromising user accounts and obtaining sensitive personal data.

Recommendation: Learn the basics of cybersecurity principles and apply them in your development. Ensure that you validate input data, use query parameters instead of direct SQL constructions, and protect sensitive data with appropriate encryption and authentication.


Another aspect often overlooked by IT novices is regularly backing up data. Missing backups can result in irreversible data loss in case of errors, hardware failures, or cyberattacks.

Example: Andrei is working on a complex software project, and the project’s data is stored on a single laptop. He doesn’t perform regular backups and doesn’t save the data to another external storage unit or a cloud service.

One day, his laptop experiences a hardware failure, and his data is permanently lost. Without backups, Andrei has to start from scratch and redo the entire project.

Recommendation: Get into the habit of regularly backing up data. Protect your data from accidental loss with online backup solutions, external drives, or cloud services.


Many IT beginners tend to copy and paste code from external sources without fully understanding it. This can lead to errors or create a solution that isn’t suitable for the specific needs of your project.

Example: Laura finds source code on the internet that solves a similar problem to what she needs to solve in her project. Instead of understanding and adapting it, she directly copies and pastes the code into her application.

While it works initially, the code isn’t optimized for the specific requirements of her project and isn’t scalable. As the project advances, Laura encounters difficulties in modifying and extending the copied code.

Recommendation: Learn to understand the code instead of copying and pasting it. Analyze each line of code and understand how it works. This allows you to customize and modify the code to fit the specific needs of your project.


Another important aspect often overlooked by IT novices is proper testing of applications and their code. Lack of testing can lead to unexpected errors and a poor user experience in production.

Example: George is developing a mobile application for task management. Instead of testing each functionality before launching the app on the App Store, he believes everything works perfectly and rushes to publish it. Soon, users report critical errors, and the app receives negative reviews, leading to a significant drop in its popularity.

Recommendation: Spend sufficient time testing the application and code in different scenarios and conditions. Use unit testing, integration testing, and regression testing to ensure that the application works correctly before launching it into production.


In short, mistakes are part of the learning and development process in IT. However, recognizing and correcting them is essential to becoming a competent professional and creating high-quality applications and solutions. We encourage all IT beginners to learn from their mistakes and use the experience gained to progress and excel in exciting technological fields.