Designed by: Wolfgang Slany
Catrobat is a block-based visual programming language and Open Source Software non-profit project.
The first release dates back to 2010 and was initiated by Wolfgang Slany from the Technical University Graz in Austria.
The multidisciplinary team develops the programming language and free apps for teenagers to create their own games, animations, music videos or all other kinds of apps directly on a smartphone based on the catrobat framework.The visual programming language used for coding is very similar to the one used in Scratch except with Catrobat, no laptop or PC is needed.
Every aspect of development can be covered solely on a smartphone and therefore over the years the usage of Catrobat and the Apps spread all over the world.
Some activities of Catrobat are targeted directly at female and male teenagers to close the gender gap in STEM-Studies.
Other activities are especially for less developed countries because native language support is provided directly in Catrobat’s apps, without the need to be supported on operating systems language level.