

Designed by: David Callahan, Hans Zima, Brad Chamberlain, John Plevyak

Chapel, the Cascade High Productivity Language, is a parallel programming language that was developed by Cray, and later by Hewlett Packard Enterprise which acquired Cray.

It was being developed as part of the Cray Cascade project, a participant in DARPA’s High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) program, which had the goal of increasing supercomputer productivity by 2010.

It is being developed as an open source project, under version 2 of the Apache license.The Chapel compiler is written in C and C++ (C++14).

The backend (i.e. the optimizer) is LLVM, written in C++.

Python 3.7 or newer is required for some optional components such Chapel’s test system and c2chapel, a tool to generate C bindings for Chapel.

By default Chapel compiles to binary executables, but it can also compile to C code, and then LLVM is not used.

Chapel code can be compiled to libraries to be callable from C, or Fortran or e.g. Python also supported.