Designed by: Neil Pappalardo

MUMPS (“Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System”), or M, is an imperative, high-level programming language with an integrated transaction processing key–value database.

It was originally developed at Massachusetts General Hospital for managing hospital laboratory information systems.

MUMPS technology has since expanded as the predominant database for health information systems and electronic health records in the United States.

MUMPS-based information systems run over 40% of the hospitals in the U.S., run across all of the U.S. federal hospitals and clinics, and provide health information services for over 54% of patients across the U.S.A unique feature of the MUMPS technology is its integrated database language, allowing direct, high-speed read-write access to permanent disk storage.

This provides tight integration of unlimited applications within a single database, and provides extremely high performance and reliability as an online transaction processing system.